Rocksound Review: Deckard - Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity

this album raises the bar on what rock music with powerful pop sensibilities is all about.

Rocksound, 9/10
Deckard "Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity"

Personally still reeling almost a decade later over the fact that Baby Chaos released two majorly important and dynamic pop rock albums that no one seemed to take notice of, it's a joy to see there is a futu re rising from the band's ashes.

Deckard - which sees three-quarters of the 'Chaos joined by one-time Jesus Jones drummer Gen Matthews - are no second-rate band either, nope, this album raises the bar on what rock music with powerful pop sensibilities is all about.

Chris Gordon's bittersweet, soul-injected compositions are jam-packed with sharp, cutting, heartbreaking and sometimes tearjerking moments, and yet retain plenty of clout to ensure that Deckard rock like a bastard.

Deckard have no crowns to reclaim from times past, but this quartet give the shallow world of rock'n'roll hope that good songwriters and performers still exist. Superb.

Darren Sadler, Rocksound

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Rocksound Review: Deckard - Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity

Rocksound Review: Deckard - Dreams of Dy…

this album raises the bar on what rock music with powerful pop sensibilities is all about. Rocksound, 9/10 Deckard "Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity"

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Metal Hammer Review: Deckard - Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity

Metal Hammer Review: Deckard - Dreams of…

the whole album is decorated with stunningly emotive vocals that in turn soar and bite. Metal Hammer 7/10Deckard - Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity

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Q Review: Deckard - Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity

Q Review: Deckard - Dreams of Dynamite a…

Dreams Of Dynamite And Divinity delivers punchy innovation and soul Paul Stokes, Q MagazineDeckard - Dreams of Dynamite and Divinity

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